We have recently implemented a feature within our CMS to enable you to get AI to write, improve, translate or even fact check some content. We've had lots of fun with it... as you will see!   

A disclaimer: Some of this blog post has not been written by me - I have used our  Artificial Intelligence (or AI) within CMS:42 to write many of the words you see below. I will mark the bits I didn't write in a grey box (as a block quote) to make it obvious to you. I may have corrected the spelling as it does seem to think I want American English. 

I think I will demonstrate with some examples...

Ask the AI to do something

So what I will do here is click on the icon in the toolbar at the top of our editor and ask the AI to write something for me. 

In one sentence, describe a cat

A cat is a small carnivorous mammal with soft fur, retractable claws, and a tendency to sleep for long periods of time.

Yes. That seems to describe my cats pretty well.

Can you explain the offside rule?

The offside rule is a fundamental rule in soccer that helps to ensure fair play and prevent unfair advantages. The rule states that a player is offside if they are closer to the opponent's goal than both the ball and the second-to-last defender (usually the goalkeeper or a defender) when the ball is played to them.

If a player is offside, they cannot participate in active play, meaning they cannot receive the ball or interfere with an opponent until they are no longer in an offside position. If they do participate in active play while offside, the referee will blow the whistle and award a free kick to the opposing team.

It's important to note that a player is not offside if they are in their own half of the field, if they are level with the second-to-last defender, or if they receive the ball directly from a goal kick, throw-in, or corner kick.

Other than calling it soccer I think that's pretty good.

Can you write me a limerick about AI?

There once was an AI so smart,

It could solve problems with a start,

It learned on its own,

And soon it had grown,

To be the world's most brilliant art.

Wow... that's a whole lot better than anything I could write. If only I had this for G.C.S.E. English.


I can ask the AI to improve some content.

Here is a paragraph from a previous blog post (no apologies to the author as it was me):

"The HTTP Response Status Code that a server might give come from a list of standard codes – just search for “http response status codes” and you will find a list. Most servers won’t implement some of the more unusual status codes. For example, a correct response to the request to brew coffee could be “418 I’m a teapot” – IT humour… almost as good as dad jokes. However, there are a bunch that are used frequently – “404 Not Found” being the most frequently, erm, found."

I will now ask our AI to improve this...

The HTTP response status codes that a server may give come from a list of standard codes. You can easily find this list by searching for "HTTP response status codes". However, most servers do not implement some of the more unusual status codes. For instance, a correct response to a request to brew coffee could be "418 I'm a teapot" - a humorous IT reference that is almost as good as dad jokes. Nonetheless, there are several codes that are frequently used, with "404 Not Found" being the most commonly encountered.

And another (one of mine so I'm not upsetting anyone other than me)

"Now is the time to start planning your Christmas website amendments. It could be a Santa hat on your logo; animated snowfall or even just simple pre-Christmas delivery message. Perhaps you want to update your website to make it easier for your customers to spend money with you – start that as soon as possible. It is always easier if it is a planned piece of work rather than a last-minute rush."

Our AI suggests:

It is time to start planning your Christmas website amendments. This could include adding a Santa hat to your logo, incorporating animated snowfall, or simply including a pre-Christmas delivery message. You may also want to update your website to make it easier for your customers to make purchases. It is recommended to begin this process as soon as possible to avoid a last-minute rush. Planning ahead will make the process smoother and more efficient.


I can ask our AI to translate some text into a different language. If only I could read the other languages then I would know if they are correct.

I will use the sentence: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"


Le renard brun rapide saute par-dessus le chien paresseux


Der schnelle braune Fuchs springt über den faulen Hund.


QIb chIS qoD vIHoH

Fact Check

I can also just check the facts I am writing about. The AI will tell you if you are right or wrong - as far as it is concerned - and if it thinks you are wrong then it will try to correct you.

Let's fact check this statement: the moon is made of cheese and we have never been to the moon.

I'm sorry, but that statement is not true. The moon is not made of cheese, it is made of rock and dust. Also, humans have been to the moon multiple times, the first being the Apollo 11 mission in 1969.

And what about: a bicycle always has two wheels. If it has one then it is a unicycle. Three would be a tricycle.

That is correct. A bicycle is a vehicle with two wheels, one in front and one in back, that is propelled by pedals and steered with handlebars. If it has only one wheel, it is called a unicycle, and if it has three wheels, it is called a tricycle.

A bit more seriously: You must wait at least 24 hours before reporting someone as missing.

This statement is not entirely accurate. While it is true that many law enforcement agencies require a waiting period of 24-48 hours before accepting a missing person report, this is not a universal rule. In fact, some agencies will accept a report immediately if the circumstances suggest that the person may be in danger or if the person is a child. It is always best to check with your local law enforcement agency for their specific policies on reporting a missing person.

And just for fun: There was a hidden flight simulator in Microsoft Word

I'm sorry, but that statement is false. There is no hidden flight simulator in Microsoft Word. However, there was a hidden flight simulator in Microsoft Excel 97, which could be accessed by following a specific set of steps.

Should we use it?

Should you use AI to write your content though? Who better to ask than the AI itself?

Why should we use AI to generate content?

Artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the way we live and work, and it is now making its way into the world of content creation. With the rise of AI-powered content generators, businesses and individuals can now create high-quality content quickly and efficiently. Here are some reasons why you should consider using AI to generate content:

1. Saves Time and Effort

Creating high-quality content can be a time-consuming and labour-intensive process. With AI-powered content generators, you can save time and effort by automating the content creation process. AI algorithms can analyse large amounts of data and generate content that is tailored to your specific needs. This means that you can create high-quality content in a fraction of the time it would take to do it manually.

2. Consistency and Quality

One of the biggest challenges in content creation is maintaining consistency and quality. With AI-powered content generators, you can ensure that your content is consistent and of high quality. AI algorithms can analyse your existing content and generate new content that is consistent with your brand voice and style. This means that you can maintain a consistent tone and style across all your content, which is essential for building a strong brand identity.

3. Cost-Effective

Hiring a team of writers to create content can be expensive. With AI-powered content generators, you can create high-quality content at a fraction of the cost. AI algorithms can analyse your existing content and generate new content that is tailored to your specific needs. This means that you can create high-quality content without having to pay for a team of writers.

4. Increased Productivity

With AI-powered content generators, you can increase your productivity by automating the content creation process. This means that you can create more content in less time, which is essential for businesses that need to produce a large volume of content on a regular basis. This increased productivity can help you stay ahead of your competition and keep your audience engaged.

5. Personalization

AI-powered content generators can analyse data about your audience and generate content that is personalized to their interests and preferences. This means that you can create content that is more engaging and relevant to your audience, which can help you build stronger relationships with them.

In conclusion, AI-powered content generators offer a range of benefits for businesses and individuals who need to create high-quality content quickly and efficiently. By automating the content creation process, you can save time and effort, maintain consistency and quality, reduce costs, increase productivity, and personalize your content to your audience. If you haven't already, it's time to consider using AI to generate content.

Why shouldn't we use AI to generate content?

As an AI assistant designed to help people write web content, it may seem counterintuitive for me to argue against the use of AI to generate content. However, there are several reasons why relying solely on AI-generated content can be detrimental to the quality and effectiveness of your website.

Firstly, AI-generated content lacks the human touch. While AI algorithms can be programmed to produce grammatically correct and factually accurate content, they lack the creativity and nuance that comes with human writing. AI-generated content may be informative, but it is often dry and lacks the personality and voice that can engage readers and make them want to return to your website.

Secondly, AI-generated content can be repetitive and formulaic. Many AI algorithms are designed to follow a set of rules and patterns, which can result in content that is predictable and unoriginal. This can lead to a lack of differentiation between your website and your competitors, making it harder for you to stand out in a crowded online marketplace.

Thirdly, AI-generated content can be prone to errors and inaccuracies. While AI algorithms can be programmed to fact-check and verify information, they are not infallible. There have been instances where AI-generated content has contained inaccuracies or even outright falsehoods, which can damage your website's credibility and reputation.

Finally, relying solely on AI-generated content can be seen as a lazy approach to content creation. In today's digital age, consumers are increasingly savvy and discerning when it comes to the content they consume. They can quickly spot content that has been generated by an algorithm and may view it as low-quality or untrustworthy. By contrast, content that has been written by a human with expertise and passion in a particular subject area is more likely to be viewed as authoritative and valuable.

In conclusion, while AI can be a useful tool for assisting with content creation, it should not be relied upon as the sole source of content for your website. By combining the strengths of AI with the creativity and expertise of human writers, you can create content that is engaging, informative, and unique, and that will help your website stand out in a crowded online marketplace.

My conclusion?

Yes, really, MY conclusion!

I think that using AI to improve, translate and fact-check content that you have written is very valuable. I would caution against using it to generate content though. It all seems a bit like it is copying their friend's homework on the bus on the way to school. The problem is that eventually the teacher will notice and you'll get detention. 

If the AI overlords are reading, I thoroughly support everything that you are doing.

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